
Let's spread the love through shayari

The Moment I Fell out of Love Poem

The Moment I Fell out of Love Poem
I clearly remember the moment I fell out of love
I picked up the warm cup of cinnamon flavoured hot chocolate 
On a cold windy day
while catching up with my cousins Who had been away for months
As we scrolled through photos Of the blue In the Bosphorus
The incessant honks From the street outside Were drowned out
By a light acoustic version of
♪ I don’t wanna miss a thing ♪
The aroma of Jasmine From the teapot on the next table
Filled the air It’s fair to say that 
That day Felt no different From any 
other Except That there was A chilly uneasiness A stillness 

English love poems

In my system 

No eager anticipations For the face I hardly saw anymore for the messages that tried so hard to overcompensate For the guilt that always came a little too easily and always left A little too late 
for worlds That had tried so hard to intertwine that they had become destined To only exist in parallel and suddenly I felt in my chest slow Calm Unfamiliar beating Which made me realise How used I had got to anxiety And so Sitting there With the cold Enveloping me like it was a warm blanket With Jasmine that smelt like roses With a love song from the 90’s That suddenly stopped making sense And started being beautiful With a sense of self I had never felt before 
Let myself Fall out of love

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