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As you all know yoga plays an important role when it comes to fitness that’s why today, we are going to share some amazing easy Yoga positions. If you like them then be sure to comment and tell us what you think about yoga.

Mindful breath Yoga 1st pose

1. Mindful breath:- The best and the basic way to do mindful breathing is to focus all your attention on your breathing, you can do this while sitting or lying if it is comfortable for you. your eyes may be open or close, but you may find it easier to maintain your focus if your eyes are closed. This exercise can also help you when you are stressed out. experts say the regular practice of mindful breathing can make it easier to do and it can increase your focus as well.

Mindful breath Yoga 2nd pose

2. Mountain Pose:- mountain pose is the foundation of all standing poses, it is also a tool to improve posture.
In this pose, The heels root down, the muscles of the legs are engaged, the bones are stacked with the shoulders directly over the hips, the shoulder blades slide down the back, and the crown of the head rises. Don’t forget to breathe.

Mindful breath Yoga 3rd pose

3. Raised Arms Pose:- In this first, you have to take Mountain Pose then, Inhale air and bring your arms up and over your head. This is like morning stretch, but you are focusing on keeping the good alignment you established in mountain pose. slowly move your hands upwards without bending the elbow and then join the both of the palms while maintaining the breathing. Then move your hands downwards while breathing out. repeat this 10 to 15 times.

Mindful breath Yoga 4th pose

4. Plank Pose:- This pose is simple to learn but hard to perform. In this pose, you have to maintain your entire body weight on your hands and tows. keeping your body straight, while looking at the floor between your hands. perform this exercise for a minimum of 10 to 20 minutes.

Mindful breath Yoga 5th pose

5. Staff Pose:- In Sanskrit this pose is also known as Dandasana. This pose is tougher then it looks.
The legs stay strong with the feet flexed. The shoulders stack over the hips so that the spine is long and straight. The arms may be straight or slightly bent.

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